Stratford: Come Holy Ghost – Anthem for SATB Choir and Organ
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
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Come Holy Ghost is the English translation of a Latin hymn believed to have been written in the 9th century. Traditionally sung at Pentecost, it can also be used on other occasions when we think particularly of the Holy Spirit such as baptisms, confirmations and ordinations as well as at times when we think of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit – wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord.
The tempo mark should be noted and the lines sung legato, with careful breath control taking care to place consonants at the ends of phrases. It is important that the text is sung clearly. The organ registration should be built up between bars 35 and 39 leading into the last verse and the doxology sung with strength and conviction, with the Amens gradually decreasing in dynamic until the final one is barely audible. I wrote this piece in memory of Peter Harley, a faithful member of Arundel Cathedral Choir who embodied many of the gifts mentioned above: he showed immense fortitude, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and loved to sing. He was much loved and remains much missed.