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Bedard Organ Works Volume 2


Bedard Organ Works Volume 2


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Organ Collection


Publisher: RSCM Press
ISBN: N0971

This collection of organ works by Denis Bedard are all featured on the CD "Denis Bedard Organ Works II' played by the composer on the Grand Organ of the Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver.

1. Festive Toccata 1


2. Deux Noëls No. 1 Noël huron 15

3. Deux Noëls No. 2 Toccata sur Il est né, le divin Enfant 20


4. Variations sur Sine Nomine 33


5. Suite liturgique: Entrée 43

6. Suite liturgique: Offertoire 47

7. Suite liturgique: Communion 49

8. Suite liturgique: Sortie 53


9. Méditation sur O Filii et Filiae 65


10. Variations sur Christus Vincit 68


11. Prélude et Toccata sur Victimae Paschali Laudes 82


12. Pater Noster: chant 91

13. Pater Noster: Pater Noster, qui es in caelis 92

14. Pater Noster: Sanctificetur nomen tuum 95

15. Pater Noster: Adveniat regnum tuum 101

16. Pater Noster: Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra 104

17. Pater Noster: Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie 109

18. Pater Noster: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos

dimittimus debitoribus nostris 112

19. Pater Noster: Et ne nos inducas in tentationem 119

20. Pater Noster: Sed libera nos a malo 121


Programme notes 130

Denis Bedard