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Baroque Music

Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 3: String Consort Music (Richard Rastall) AB05 Set of eight instrumental parts
Ward, John (?): Vota persolvam (Ian Payne) AB12
Loosemore, Henry: Three verse anthems (Ian Payne) AB21
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 6: Keyboard Music and Literary Work (Richard Rastall): AB08.
Loosemore, Henry: Four Verse Anthems (Ian Payne): AB22
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 5: Sacred Songs (Richard Rastall) AB07
Philips, Peter: Fifteen Motets for Solo Voice and Continuo (Lionel Pike) AB01
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 1: Latin Motets (Richard Rastall) AB03
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 2: Private Musicke or The First Booke of Ayres and Dialogues (1620) (Richard Rastall) AB04 Score
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 2: Private Musicke or The First Booke of Ayres and Dialogues (1620) (Richard Rastall) AB04 Set of parts
Caldara, Antonio: Three Cantatas for Soprano and Continuo (Brian Pritchard) AB02
Peerson, Martin: Complete works 3: String Consort Music (Richard Rastall) AB05 Score
Milton, John (1562-1647): Complete Works I: Vocal Music (Richard Rastall) AB09
Milton, John (1562-1647): Complete Works II: Consort Music and Poems (Richard Rastall) AB10
Milton, John (1562-1647): Complete Works II: Consort Music and Poems (Richard Rastall) AB10: Set of eight instrumental parts.
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 4: Mottects or Grave Chamber Musique (1630) (Richard Rastall): AB06. Score in two volumes.
Peerson, Martin: Complete Works 4: Mottects or Grave Chamber Musique (1630) (Richard Rastall): AB06. Set of seven instrumental parts.
Ramsey, Robert: How doth the city and Woe is me (Ian Payne) AB13
Bateson, Thomas: Holy, Lord God almighty (Ian Payne) AB11