Page 15 - UYMP Anthems for Sopranos, Altos and Unison Males Singers
P. 15

         2. Come away, my love 11 °#p (p) mp j
24 j‰‰Œ. œ œœœœœ.œ &œ œœœ.œœœœœ
                        on the earth, on the earth; the time of the sing∑ing of
  &#. œœ ‰
œœ œœœœ œœœœ œœœ
                                       flowers ap∑pear ¢?#˙.
. mp œjœœœ .
on the earth,   on the earth; the time of the sing∑ing of
Œ œJœœœœœœœ œœœœœJ œ œœ
                       the rain is o ∑ver   and gone   on the earth; the time of the #œ. ≈œRœœ‰≈œRœœœ.œœ. ‰œ.œœœœ
&# œ. ‰. ‰ œj ˙. œ. œ œj                 œ. œ .
                œœ˙ œœœœœ Jœ.œ.
                  meno mosso~q.=32 °#f ff
28 œ. 4œ. œ œ. œ ptenderly 6 &œœJ 4 J J˙Œ‰.œr8
                 birds is come; a ∑rise, my love, my
  #j j f 4
ff j ptenderly 6
 &œ œœ. 4œ. œœ. œ˙ Œ‰.œr8 birds is come; a ∑rise, my love, my
                       œ. œœœœ˙
?#œœ. œœœœ4f ff
sing∑ing of birds   is come; a ∑ rise, my love,
œ ¢4JÓ8
6 {&‰. œœ. 4œ œœ.œœœ˙œœÓ 68
œ œ meno mosso~q.=32 #œœ. œœœ.j
      f ffJ œJ˙
              #‰œ4?œœœ˙Ó6 & œ. œ œ œ 4˙ œ.     J ˙ 8

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