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Mawby: Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd (U)
Choral leaflet
Mozart: Laudate Dominum (S/SATB Lat/Eng ed. Patrick)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Moore: It is a thing most wonderful
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Moore: Lo! God is here
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Moore: The song of Christ's glory
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Morgan: Palm Sunday Antiphon
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Nardone: Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Nares: Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous
Upper Voices
Choral leaflet
Archer: The river of the water of life
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Aston: If ye love me
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Anon: Rejoice in the Lord always
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Arcadelt: Ave Maria (ed. Steele)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Archer: Bread of Heaven
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Allegri: Miserere (Latin) (ed. Guest)
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Andrew: O lux beata Trinitas
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Archer: Come let us sing for joy to the Lord
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Archer: Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Upper Voices
Choral leaflet
Aston: Fountain of sweets
Mixed Voices (SATB+)
Choral leaflet
Bullard: Sleeping Jesus (SA)
Upper Voices
Choral leaflet