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Rutter: The gift of music
Leighton: Let all the world in every corner sing
Kelly: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C (Latin American)
Darke: Communion in F
Leighton: Preces and Responses (SATB)
A Carol Nativity- A celebration in music and narrative of the Christmas story, using traditional songs and carols
BBC Songs of Praise (full music H/B)
Kelly: This lovely lady sat and song
Mundy: O Lord the maker of all things
Thatcher: Come, ye faithful
Spicer: Versicles & Responses (Set 2)
Rutter: A Gaelic blessing (U different key)
The Oxford Book of Flexible Anthems - Paperback
Jacob: Brother James's air (SATB)
Dove: The Three Kings
Goldschmidt: A tender shoot (ed. Henderson)
Merbecke: Communion 1662 + Rite B variant (full)
English Gradual II: Propers