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Wood: O thou, the central orb
Poston: Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Walmisley: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D minor
Ayleward: The Preces and Responses (SATB) (ed. Gittins)
The Parish Psalter with chants
Chilcott: Five Passion Hymns
Rawsthorne: Festive Eucharist - Common Worship Order One (full)
Music folder: Black (large) ***NEW DESIGN***
Vaughan Williams: O taste and see (SATB)
MacDonald: Evening Service in A flat
Choir Attendance Register
Maxim: Two French Carols - D'ou viens-tu, bergere? et Quelle est cette odeur agreable?
Halls: Mass of St Osmund Melody edition
Elgar: Seek him that maketh the seven stars
Knight: Christ, whose glory fills the skies (U)
Forbes L'Estrange: God the Holy Trinity (printed version)
Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs (Chorus part)