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Composers R

Rizza: God of hope and Lord of healing
Robson: Lord, give me faith
Rutter: A Gaelic blessing (Instrumental parts + Full score)
Rutter: All things bright and beautiful (U or SS)
Rutter: Arise, shine
Rutter: As the bridegroom to his chosen
Rutter: Christ the Lord is risen again
Rutter: Clare Benediction (SATB acc. or unacc.)
Rutter: Go forth into the world
Rutter: God be in my head (SATB)
Rutter: O Lord, thou hast searched me out
Rutter: Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace
Rutter: Open thou mine eyes
Rutter: Peace of God (SATB)
Rutter: Pie Jesu (from Requiem)
Rutter: Prayer of St Patrick
Rutter: The Lord is my shepherd
Rutter: The heavenly aeroplane (SS)
Rutter: Thy perfect love
Rutter: When the saints go marching in