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Rubino: An American Christmas
Ferguson: Sing to the Lord of harvest
Chilcott: St John Passion
Moore: All wisdom cometh from the Lord (New edition)
East: Evening Canticles - Verse Service
Weelkes: Jubilate Deo ÔÇô eighth service
Wood: Hail, gladdening light
Weelkes: Te deum laudamus ÔÇô eighth service
Stanford: Te Deum in A
Tallis: Spem in alium vocal score
The Oxford Book of Easy Flexible Anthems - Spiral bound
Rutter: Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Palestrina: Missa Iste Confessor
Stanford: Benedictus in A
Vaughan Williams: Let all the world (ed. Jackson)
Wood: O thou the central orb
Tallis: Missa Puer natus est nobis
Tallis: Suscipe quaeso Domine
Walton: The Twelve
Tomkins: Magnificat & Nunc dimittis Second Service